Category: LIM-Erricks

  • Short Story: I’m an Angel – but I like being the Devil’s advocate

    This is a conversation between a founder and an angel investor as they plan to raise the next round of funding for this startup. The angel finds the founder’s estimate of the company’s valuation to be unreal because the the Price to earnings ratio that he calculates. However, the founder reminds him that we are…

  • Entrepreneurs and Porn

    I had a batchmate in engineering college who was obsessed with watching porn. He perhaps had the largest collection of such videos on campus and was always updated on this circuit. His intense passion and dedication towards porn videos gave him the innate ability to translate any situation in life or those from engineering textbooks…

  • Podcast: The eCommerce Landscape in India with Mukund Mohan

    I just wrapped up the second episode on In The Phone Booth with.. earlier today with Mukund Mohan (CEO, Jivity). I met Mukund first at TiE Entrepreneurial Summit 2011, Bangalore where he was speaking about his journey as an entrepreneurs with 2 other. I was planing this episode back then in December. Mukund was proudly…