Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales at Techfest ’08
“Imagine a world where anybody has access to the sum of human knowledge” And if Wikipedia is the first search result that you imagined, then you’re right there! Jimmy Wales, the funder of Wikipedia was in town and the quote above was according to him responsible for the Genesis of the revolutionary encyclopedia. Wales walked…
Elecrama ’08: the industrial electronics hub
Its not the best thing to do when you decide to visit Elecrama on the last day, not only do u gasp at its humongous outreach as a first timer but you are also left asking for more. Ive been postponing my visit to this international industrial electronics exhibition ever since my first year in…
Mean Machines are passe now.
TOYOTA PRIUS I really can’t say whether it is Just in Time manufacturing or sheer brilliance that gets Toyota another hit : PRIUS . Prius is a hybrid built from scratch unlike most other cars which have hybrids as evolved models. NYT reports that Toyota has already recorded a sale of more than 400,000 in…
RATING : ** Every once in a while comes a Hollywood flick with almost pure (read: animation-free) action sequences to give the fussy critics a ‘reality check’, but Die Hard 4.0 goes a step ahead ; it revolves around the growing importance of digitizing the analog globe with minimalistic digital action sequences. A stereotypical loner…